Filtering by: Mystical Experiences

The Wisdom of Sahasrara Chakra - An Evolutionary Chakra Journey to Awaken & Inspire
6:30 PM18:30

The Wisdom of Sahasrara Chakra - An Evolutionary Chakra Journey to Awaken & Inspire

Join us for the Crown Chakra Activation on September 12th. “The Wisdom of Sahasrara Chakra”

Connect to your Higher Self. Connect with the Divine within.

Sahasrara chakra illuminates the Wisdom of your Inner Being, And Awakens you to a World beyond your ego, And Gifts to you your Soul Purpose, Illuminating your Passion for Life!
We are Spiritual Beings, exploring our Human Experience.

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Third Eye Awakening - An Evolutionary Chakra Journey into the Third Eye Chakra
6:30 PM18:30

Third Eye Awakening - An Evolutionary Chakra Journey into the Third Eye Chakra

Join us for the Third Eye Chakra on August 15th Ignite your Intuition. 

Set yourself free by Living your life guided by your intuitive nature, and tune into the Universal Flow of the Cosmos.

Intuition is one of your most powerful assets, and you can choose to live by its guidance. Living in-tune with the Cosmic Dance frees you from the bondage of the rational mind. Imagine never having to be perplexed by doubt, or agonise over a decision, but instead to instantly know what is right for you in every situation - that is the gift of intuition.

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - In Joy enJoy Life
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - In Joy enJoy Life

July’s theme is "In Joy enJoy Life”

Life is a passage of learning to be soul-centered, which means living in the Heart. The heart is the gateway to your Highest Truth, your Highest Truth is living your Soul Purpose. Your Soul Purpose is that which you have chosen to be here, as a reflection of the Divine!

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Live a Full Spectrum Liberated Life - An Evolutionary Chakra Journey!
6:30 PM18:30

Live a Full Spectrum Liberated Life - An Evolutionary Chakra Journey!

Live a Full Spectrum Liberated Life through this Evolutionary Chakra Journey!

Join us for the Heart Chakra on June 13th. Awaken your Heart.

Love + Compassion are the keys to living life from the heart.

The Heart Chakra is the bridge that connects “why you are here” and the “wisdom of your Soul." It is important to live from the Heart so as to discover the true meaning of “surrender, and go with the flow." It is from the heart that you begin to evolve + illuminate your life with a sense of pure self-liberation.

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - The Magic of Mudra
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - The Magic of Mudra

May’s theme is "The Magic of Mudras”

This May, we will dive into the divine play of mudras. Mudras are powerful hand gestures used throughout various cultures and centuries. Mudras are used for a variety of practices, from meditation to dance including healing. The mudras hold a mystical mystery that opens a doorway to a new dimension. We will leap through this interdimensional doorway with a series of mudras divinely designed by the Divine to illuminate the mind-body+heart. Through this mystical practice, you will unlock your inner doorway to communion with the Divine, and receive all that you need, and all that you need to know now!

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Evolution through Quietude
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Evolution through Quietude

April’s theme is "Evolution through Quietude"

This April, we shall explore the evolutionary passage of Quietude and Contemplation.

In today’s World, we get easily lost and distracted in the noise, whether external or internal. This practice of Quietude is an evolutionary gateway that awakens the connection between you and the Divine. Within the rapture of Quietude, the World you once knew transforms, igniting your senses through the silence of the mind suffusing you in a state of bliss and fulfillment.

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Explore the Multi-Sensory Self
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Explore the Multi-Sensory Self

March’s theme is "Explore the Multi-Sensory Self"

This March, we shall explore the anatomy of the Mystic’s Multi-Sensory Self.

You are more than meets the eye, in fact, the entire World has an aliveness that cannot be seen. Walking through a meadow one is encapsulated in the auric field of the grasses and wildflowers. The thought of that should tingle through your entire system!

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Navigating the Path of the Mystic's Meditation
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Navigating the Path of the Mystic's Meditation

February’s theme is "Navigating the Path of the Mystic’s Meditation"

This February, we shall navigate the secret path of the Mystic’s through Mystical Meditation.

The path is revealed upon the opening of the Heart to the Light of the Divine. When one enters the consciousness of their true Divinity, then one becomes Unified in the Consciousness of the Divine.

Togæther, We shall navigate our way in hopes of revealing this Secret Path that urges you deeper into Pure Devotion.

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - The Power of the Language of Light
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - The Power of the Language of Light

January’s theme is "The Power of the Language of Light"

This January, we explore the Language of Light. A language that brings light into every conversation, and every moment that you choose to speak. This is a language that can be embraced by anyone ready to walk the Way of the Mystic, and be a Sacred Activist of the Light in everyday.

This is not the “light language” presumably spoken by aliens and entities which is trendy in the new age movement, this is the Language of Light spoken by the Holiest of Holies.

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - The Abounding Grace of Prayer
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - The Abounding Grace of Prayer

December’s theme is "The Abounding Grace of Prayer"

This December, we will bathe in the Abounding Grace of Prayer. Prayer holds a mystical key that opens the channel between yourSelf and the Divine. Discover how the grace of Prayer can shift your Awareness, Empower your Inner Self, and Generate an Empowering relationship with the Forces of Light.

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Unending Gratitude
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Unending Gratitude


October’s theme is "Unending Gratitude"

October, discover the grace of Unending Gratitude. What does it mean to live life in gratitude. Gratitude is an Attitude, yet Gratitude is also a way of Living life in deep appreciation for all aspects of Life.

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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Fractals of Light
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Fractals of Light


September theme is "Fractals of Light"

September, we gather Together to raise our consciousness to the Awareness that we are a Perfect Fractal of Divine Light.

In our journey Togaether, we create a morphic field that supports each Soul that gathers upon this unfolding mystic's journey into the Light. This journey opens the Pathway of Self-Healing, and Self-Discovery illuminating the Power held within.

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Together | We Rise | A Virtual Healing Temple - Presence
5:00 PM17:00

Together | We Rise | A Virtual Healing Temple - Presence


In August, we gather Together to raise our awareness to the Sacred Presence within. In our Togaether’ness, we create a field of Light that infuses each Soul that gathers with us in a Healing Spectrum that assists with our personal and collective evolution.

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Full Moon Aquarius Gathering:  FREEDOM
6:30 PM18:30

Full Moon Aquarius Gathering: FREEDOM

Freedom is what the Great Awakener brings us, Aquarius the Rebel of the Sky holds the Vision of a World of Unity and Liberation!

Celebrate the Full "Blood" Moon Aquarius 4°44' total Lunar Eclipse with us on July 27th.
There are too many wondrous things to say about the Potential Energy waiting to be released within this Aquarius Moon.

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