Belinda has an unique ability to connect with people at a Soul-level, her insights and intuitions into life provide a platform that allows one to transcend their current experiences.

Belinda's passion has led her to discover her Soul's song that allows her to guide people towards realizing their True Identity and Soul Purpose. Her passion towards guiding others towards their higher calling is magnetic. Belinda shares her wealth of experiences and knowledge from varying holistic modalities and life's school of living to profound a grounded approach to essential and intelligent well-being.

Belinda loves to speak to people's passions and dreams, to help them identify and overcome their vulnerabilities and challenges in life, so that they can truly identify their true calling. Her speaking inspires and guides to truly impact their life in a positive way.

Belinda enjoys working with groups, as she finds that the impact of a group consciousness can truly empower each individual upon their Path. If you have a group or a business that you wish to inspire in an insightful way, connect with Belinda she truly knows how to create relatable content and inspiration. 

Keynote Offerings


Have you been searching for purpose? Do you feel that there is something "missing" in life? Are you ready to truly discover your Life Purpose?

Each person has a unique purpose for being here on Earth today. Some people may naturally align with their Soul Truth, while others may struggle to discover their calling. Belinda offers storytelling of her life's journey and insights into how One can attune to their Life Purpose.

Belinda effortlessly speaks to and inspires the journey of inward-looking, she shows you how to step outside of the box, and into the Universe. She offers creative and practical steps to claim your Path, and thrive in your Passion.  



Belinda has studied mindpower since the 80s! She teaches a unique workshop on how to manifest through the Law of Attraction. She demystifies the process of manifesting your Heart's desires.

Belinda offers practical steps on the art of manifesting and the Law of Attraction, she provides guidance and storytelling that help you see the power of manifesting with delight, and how it can help you choose the power of living your Heart's desires.

Belinda has developed her own technique that she loves to share in her keynote speaking, and workshops that help One truly discover that living an Abundant Life is in fact possible.