Evolutionary Light Healing & Reiki Healing I

Level One. Step forward as a Healer. Begin the journey with learning classical Reiki. Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki re-envisioned for the Evolving New Age paired with Evolutionary Light Healing to teach you the Way of the Healer and ignite your healing gifts.

This is a mentorship program taught one-on-one or in a small group setting over a 13 Moon cycle. Connect with me, take your first step in Healing.

Evolutionary Light Healing II & Reiki II

Take the next step in Healing, move beyond your hands to become an awakened healer with this intensive training that includes Reiki II. Your experience of Reiki shifts at this degree, you are able to tap into varying dimensions of Universal and Reiki Energy. As an Evolutionary Light Healer, you are able to work at a quantum level.

The Evolutionary Light Healing and Reiki II are taught over a 6-month period, where you will receive varying Evolutionary and Reiki attunements, which include the classical Usui Shiki Ryoho symbols, plus you receive personalized symbols for your Soul’s blueprint. This level awakens you to an entire new experience of yourself.

Connect with me to setup your next step in healing, Reiki II.

DNA Reiki I


Explore the Power of Igniting the varying levels of consciousness through the very strands of your DNA. You will be attuned to the Golden DNA Helix that you can weave into any healing practice. This workshop also gives you varying tools from guided meditations, affirmations, decrees to share with your clients, friends and family.

The workshop is taught one-on-one or in a small group setting. Connect with me to setup your an upgrade in your Healing journey.

Dolphin Reiki


Explore the profound magic of tapping into Dolphin Frequencies to channel through high-frequency sonic healing. Dolphins are master healers willing to share their healing with this World. Now, you can channel Dolphin Reiki for a truly profound energetic frequency of Love, and Playful Light. Add a new dimension to your healing practice.



Do you love working with crystals? Ethereal Crystal healing introduces you to the energetic signature of crystals. You will learn how to use the Ethereal Energy of Crystals in a healing session for yourself or for others. Ethereal Crystal healing is a powerful modality that can be used as a standalone session or combined with other modalities.



This introduction to dowsing with a pendulum will give you a baseline from where we will begin deeper work with the pendulum.

Learning to dowse correctly is an essential step on your path as a healer. In our progression through Evolutionary Light Healing, you will be introduced to how you can use a pendulum to determine energetic signatures and the best protocol for healing.