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Together | We Rise | The Mystic's Temple - Explore the Multi-Sensory Self


March’s theme is "Explore the Multi-Sensory Self"

Together - Multi-sensory Self

This March, we shall explore the anatomy of the Mystic’s Multi-Sensory Self.

You are more than meets the eye, in fact, the entire World has an aliveness that cannot be seen. Walking through a meadow one is encapsulated in the auric field of the grasses and wildflowers. The thought of that should tingle through your entire system!

Our being is made of Light, in our Lightness we are infinite. Our Infinite Self is In touch with All That Is within this Universe. When we are “switched on” to the idea that we are capable of sampling energies from this vast Universe, imagine how inter-connected we would be to all things?

The Multi-Sensory Self is the first step to truly “switching yourself on”. We will explore the breadth and width of our sensitivity to Light.

Journey with a group of Inspired and Awakened Healers, Togaether, we create a morphic field that supports each Soul that gathers upon this unfolding mystic's journey into the Light. This journey opens the Pathway of Self-Healing, and Self-Discovery illuminating the Power held within.

Join me and a group of amazing healers, mystics, artists, musicians, and discoverers of a New Utopia.

Togaether we gather monthly to raise our vibration and RISE into our Holy Self. Reclaiming our Sovereign right to live life illuminated and enlighted.

We gather virtually, to UNITE our Light and step forward as LightBearers, and Guardians of this New Age.

What will you experience during the virtual experience:
Each month we journey through channeled themes that have a direct confluence with the Cosmology, and Lunar calendar. 
Guided Meditations, Mantra, Energetic Exercises, Mindful and Mindset practices, along with various channeled explorations.

March 12th at 5PM PST
*This is a re-occurring monthly event

A virtual-experience from the comfort of your home. Further details will be shared upon registration.

Book your Special Spot!
$33 per session
*Ask about pre-paid packages.

 - Spiritual guidance, channeled messages, and powerful meditation practices that awaken and enlighten the mind and heart
- A 60-minute online gathering
- A 30-minute mid-month check-in
- Monthly devotional practices