Without Further Ado! Plus, a special Holy'day Gift + 2 Great Events!
/Through the magnificence of Light streaming in upon the Cosmic Rays of Love....
I so eagerly present yet 2 more events + a SUPER special GIFT for the end of this year...
As they say "go out with a bang!"
SPECIAL GIFT! Channeled Art for Conscious Living!
Spread the gift of Love + Light through channeled art that keeps on giving!
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
Experience the depth of consciously channeled ART, that is attuned to your frequency or that of the person to which you gift it!
Each art piece is channeled to be attuned for each persons unique frequency, mindfully created for healing + meditation!
Use this art every day to attune and align your frequency to your Soul Vibration! Experience the benefits of Hi_Frequency Art channeled by Belinda Pearl!
This Holy'day season I am offering this gift in multiple digital formats so that you or the person to whom you gift is always attuned to a higher frequency of Love and Light.
Plus, Each art piece will be accompanied with a personalized channeled message + affirmation. Formats include: iPhone, iPad, Desktop plus, for Facebook's cover image!
Request your personalized channeled art either here on my site, or on my etsy store: Cosmic Muse Creations.
Dec 22. REIKI Evening of Healing + Light! 7:15PM
Dec 29. Journey into the Light. **Revival** 7:15PM
All exclusively at WhitePeacockYoga.com
My fullest intention is to SHOW you the MAGIC of the Light!
...that no matter what we have endured this year! No matter how we are feeling, either glorious or licking our battle wounds....
Let us be over-run by the Glorious Nature of this impending moment....
Because here we are...
Upon this precious moment in time...
Whether we feel alive or dead....
It is these precious moments...
That we can look up to the Sky...
And be grateful that we are here now...
Experiencing these moments in time....
An Auspicious space
In Life....
Witnessing many truths igniting + falling away!
Let these last 2 weeks of this Year end well....
And ride that wave upon the momentum of the Joys of Light within your Heart....
Creating brand new intentions
With the marvel of Lightness upon your Heart.
Knowing that whatever you've endured has been precisely right for your Growth at this Time!
So, let us collectively celebrate
As we successfully slide out of this year into the new year!
With a heart full of Hope, Trust + Grace!
Together as ONE here WE go!
Let us PLAY......
Celebrating as ONE!
Within Infinite Love Always!