Full moon Gemini, A Super Mystical Evolutionary “Let’s Do This!” Kinda Moon!
/On the day of this "cold moon" we are asked to look above and beyond the mixed emotions that continue to flood our heart and brain. Now is the time to gather your wits to be the seeker of truth and clearer understanding.
“The future depends on what you do today.”
The cosmic energies invite you to rise above and beyond the norm, seeking out your "best person". Fore it is here, where you can rise above the dreary and step into your brand new Wholeness.
There is no more time for curling up in a ball to lick your old wounds but, rather to view each as a purposeful experience as an action that has taught you how to be in this World, and that through experience you are capable of learning and growing into and beyond the old patterns and personifications of the old self, capable of choosing wisely from your well-learned lessons.
So that you are and will always be stronger than what has been expected of you in the past, since you truly are an evolving specie that has the inner Wisdom to know that in order to rise one needs to learn gallantly how to take each lesson as a necessary step towards your own precious Evolution!
Now, take this moment to reflect upon each lesson....
So that you can mindfully and gracefully invoke the power within AND now RISE!
Yes! Rise above... show the World what it means to be Evolutionary! And, that you can step forward and not backwards... this is your personal preparation for coming Ascension waves.... and new year! The mystical triangle/rectangle is this precise invitation to All - we have the opportunity now to make anew, by consciously letting go of the past and stepping boldly forward. This does require a conscious effort, even though the Cosmos is supporting this effort. We are being advised to take an active role here, otherwise the lingering past will follow us where we go, and since 2017 presents a new beginning to a brand new cycle, we do not want to drag our old washing into the new cycle. It is truly time to finish the rinse and let go cycle for good!
So say “YES! I am ready to step forward and claim my role as a teacher, an inspirer, a true Human made of my multi-dimensional experiences to share knowledge and wisdom with the World now so that All can too evolve!”
Be the CHANGE in the World by joyfully displaying what it means to evolve to new heights of cosmic awareness.
You are being fully supported by the Cosmic Waves with the portal awaiting you to step through as, a completely new high vibrational being! This is the game plan here, as we let go we lessen our load, setting us up for high vibrational success! It is a win-win opportunity all it requires is you stepping up to the plate and claiming your birthright of Bliss!
And, so with immense love!
Go forth and be gallant! Be the Warrior-Warrioress-God-Goddess that you are! Be the full spectrum sparkly human that you are!
PS. Experience the power of a guided meditation, where I will take you on a journey of seeing the Warrior or Warrioress within.