The Lore and Magick of the Full Moon: A Ritual of Release.
/The Lore of the Moon Inspires an opportunity to share in a sacred ritual that empowers You. The Essence of the Ritual shifts You, Where You Stand and Amplifies the direction of your Path.
For millennia moon rituals have been prevalent through the ages coloring the minds of many ancient cultures. The Lore and Mystery of the Moon captivate the Sub-Conscious Self into a Hypnotic-state where Focus and Intention creates a Belief that becomes Amplified in the MoonLight.
This Magickal Effect truly does activate the subconscious and the deeper Intuitive Self. That Self intuitively connected to the Cosmic Self.
The Moon’s Lore and Mystery conjure a powerful amplification of energy, that empowers rituals with an illumination that binds the spells. This illuminating amplification allows your desires to manifest within the quantum field of potentiality.
The Energy of the Moon charges that Atmosphere with a powerful manifesting quality; a quality that intensifies your wishes and intentions.
I offer to you a Ritual that is specific to the Full Moon and her Amplifying Light. Rituals performed around the full moon are heightened by the Light of the Moon, the Light focuses the energy brilliantly to accentuate, crystallize, clarify, magnify, and intensify parts of Life that require Shifting. The magnification helps You See all that you desire to Release and Let Go.
The Release Ritual.
The Full Moon ritual concentrates the energy, which is why it is important to be a clear vessel when performing your ritual.
To prepare you will need:
2 bowls (one to hold water and another fire-proof bowl that you can burn paper in.
A white candle.
Paper and a pen.
First, Clear your Energy.
Sit for a few moments in quiet meditation focusing your attention on your breath to clear your mind. Imagine every in-breath you take fills you with Moonlight, a Light that showers over and around you, expanding in brilliance and width upon your every breath, cleansing and clearing your mind, body, and spirit.
Next, Create Sacred Space.
Invite in the Light of the Goddess Moon as your Guide to Clear your Space. Clean and clear your space of clutter, then place crystals and other symbols (ex. Angels, Deities, Photos of Loved Ones) around you and on your altar. Burn incense to help clear the space.
Now for the ritual.
Close your eyes to help you connect inwardly. Be clear in your mind and heart, as you ask yourself, “Why am I creating this ritual?”, “What do I desire to Release and Let Go?”
Listen. Sense the answer.
Then with a clear mind, Light the candle.
Say this blessing:
“May the Light of the Candle guide me in my Ritual.”
Place both the bowls on your altar. Fill one with water.
Now, Take a Deep Breath to Centre Yourself.
Your Offering of Release.
Take your paper and pen with the idea, as you scribe your desires for release, you are energetically letting go.
Write down on the paper all that you wish to release, old mindsets, patterns, and limiting beliefs that you wish to be free from and no longer serve your Highest and Best!
“From today, I let it all this go. And, so it is. It is done.”
When you finish your writing your list, sign your name as a declaration of release.
Close your eyes. Place on hand on your heart, the other on the letter.
“From today, I let it all this go. And, so it is. It is done.”
Your Letting Go Ceremony.
*practice with safety with this next step*
Light a corner of the paper with the flame of the candle, place the paper in the fire-proof bowl. Allow the paper to be consumed by the fire, releasing you from all that is no longer needed. Witness the smoke carrying your intentions to the Moon.
Finally, Cleanse Yourself.
Wash your hands in the bowl as a symbol of cleansing away the old and purifying your heart as you embark upon a new path.
Say a Final Prayer of Gratitude.
The Moon ritual creates an Offering to the Universe which entices Light to flow gracefully through Life, these transmuting waves of Light generate harmony which aligns you with your Highest and Best.
May this Offering shift and transform you at your Core, May the Light move You in alignment with your Highest Potential.
With Lunar Love,