Astrology Navigation: Summer Solstice & Cancer Season
/Happy Summer! The Sun is now upon its Southern Course, this point in time marks the highest day of the Sun and the slow decline of light, as we head back towards the winter months.
“The Sun is the giver of life.”
We are now in Cancer Season - the time of the Mother, the heart, and our heart-centered emotional self. There is a great alchemy at hand, inviting in a deep journey of transformation through a tender, yet vibrant frequency that has been lighting up our skies.
This energy is helping you to birth a new self, like any infant birthing itself into a new world, there is a soft adjustment that is required - during this time you may feel a sense of vulnerability.
This new birthing of self requires a need to self-nurture and nourish, so you may have the strength to walk the new way and awaken you to a higher Vision that is calling all of us now.
This new chapter gives you the opportunity to discern what you want to bring with you - this has been and will be the continued theme for a while. Dharma over drama. It is best to remain open and receptive to the emergence of the unfolding new consciousness streaming down upon us through the Light Rays of the Stars.
To stand courageously forward on this path ~ Remember, to remain grounded and centered in your heart. Through a grounded approach your calibration to this new consciousness will allow for a rapid acceleration of your transforming self.
The Starry Alchemy at hand is an invitation to Soul Evolution, so be open to the new vision being revealed, and be gentle with your sensitive soul self. No need to rush! Only be aware that you are on the right path by choosing your Dharma over drama!
StarLight Blessings ~