New Moon Leo-Solar Eclipse: Cycles of Change! Eclipsing the Old. Embracing the New!
/Life is filled with phases and this phase offers something new and rewarding!
The moon and Sun turn Dark, while traveling through the LionHeart of Leo. During this powerful Portal of the Eclipse, you are asked to go within! To tap in deeper than before, before you loose your head in the oblivion of this crazy World!
“Spring through the Portal of Light, Awakening to the new realm of Joyful Being with a Heart ignited by Perfect Realization that you are already One with Spirit.”
The new moon in Leo is donned a Dark Moon, since it is the second new moon in an astrological sign. This of course has to “mean something special!” Which of course it does! There is something beyond the ordinary being conjured up during this Powerful Solar Eclipse! So, what can you expect?
Basically! You are being asked to Eclipse your old Ways, so that you can create space for the New!
Enjoy this Guided Meditation, that guides you in Releasing the Old so, that you may Transform and Transmute with the Energies of this New Moon Leo Solar Eclipse.
This is a precisely perfect time for you to review the past and eclipse your old pains, patterns and even people from your life! Yes, that is true! We are in an evolutionary cycle, and each of us Evolves at the perfect rate. Like no other, this very auspicious time offers the perfect Evolutionary step forward so that you may clearly end the Old Chapter and turn over a new leaf.
You have full Cosmic permission, so stand bravely forward eclipsing all out-dated programs, old addictions that lock you into your past, and your comfort zone.
Know that these changes are for your ULTIMATE good! Even if at first the reasons may not seem apparent! You will soon figure it out, when you let go of doubt. And, imperially choose to listen to the Cosmic Consciousness that has driven you to this point of Clarity and self-realization.
The changes will be gradual so, there is no need for panic rather you will be asked to practice some patience. As, there is a slew of planets in retrograde which will allow us to acclimate to the changes that are at hand. You are too, being encouraged to slow down, take it easy and to know that the next phase of life will be birthed at the most perfect time!
The question is where do you start to get this Cosmic Ball rolling? Well, let me invite you to create a new moon ritual to bring forward this new Chapter in life with much Grace.
Grab you pen and paper, your crystal and a glass of water! Sit quietly for a moment as, you tap into stillness to contemplate this question... “What do I hold most deeply within my heart? And, how can I bring it into manifestation?“
Now, sit quietly and listen! Listen from your Heart, as you open the Window within to the greater Cosmos. Hold absolute Trust within your heart, that whatever falls into your head... be it a thought, an image, a sense or knowing... that it is a clue and a key to helping you move effortlessly forward in life.
Now, take your pen and your paper... hold it close to your heart! When ready, write out a letter of Gratitude to yourself for having moved forward in your life! Write it from the perspective that you have already achieved what you hold so, deeply within your heart.
Write to your heart's content, with the Brightest and most powerful words... put energy into describing the details of your gratitude. And, once you are done hold that paper to your heart thanking yourself for having fulfilled your promise.
Place the paper under the glass of water under the dark moon night! Allow the moon energy to charge the water overnight, as your heartfelt words become infused within the Water. The next morning, take the glass of water in your hands and hold it tight! Close your eyes and say out aloud! "I am Light! I am Light! I am Light!" Then, drink the water and hold the glass up to the Sky and say "So be it!"
Place your paper in your Journal, remembering each month to gaze lovingly at your gratitude note! It is said, that it takes 6-months to manifest a wish made with the energy of the new moon!
Remember too, that it takes daily action in life to truly create! So ensure to put daily energy and effort towards realizing your Dream!
Leo loves to play, so I invite you out of your comfort zone to embrace this auspicious time of cosmic play! With the Energies vibrating higher and higher, you can literally use your mind to mold every moment. So, be playful in all that you do, so that you can Creatively Co-Create with the Universe today!
And, so!
I wish you all a beautiful and gracious Solar Eclipse upon this dark moon!
Be Blessed, Brave and Playful in every way!
Be blessed!