I humbly confess....
/I humbly confess....
“As is your desire, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your destiny.”
I have an incredible ability to manifest.... this has come through trial and error, through process and progress... coupled with huge amounts of trust and faith!
Even though trust and faith have at times dwindled and waned to points of tears and frustration....
My ability to endure... has been my saving grace!
Foresight and insight too has been my humble and loyal companion... I have lived and endured many stories... I have rose and fallen multiple times! Yet, these two have been at my side to show me my way through!
The one thing I put my absolute Knowing in when it comes to Creation is humility... as that is the one thing if you loose during any process or progress the Universe will most definitely in a swift and quick manner remind you of your place in the greatness of All That Is!
Walking with Grace has been my reminder to keep it all simple... even when I bump my head (and that has been a few times for sure!) I come back to the Holiness of Grace!
In actualizing my life, I have been reminded that I walk the path of the Mystic... yet, what does that mean? Truly nothing unless you embody humility as all great Mystics were never egoistical, never threw them self above others.... they humbly committed to a path of serving others. And, so... I am
Here to serve the great good of All humanity! My passion and path is to embody my Soul Truth which is a teacher of love.. I put us all on the same level, I see us all as equals! In being gifted many gifts... of awareness, and healing.... I share these with all... no matter which playground you play upon! I choose to love you all unconditionally like never before!
I hope that you too can see the Mystic, healer and gift of Awareness within you!
Join me this Wednesday, May 10th at 9AM PST / 12PM EST for a Facebook LIVE meditation for the Scorpio Full Moon, we will dip into the Creative Energies of the Full Moon to step boldly forward into our Creations! Each step is a window that will draw you closer to that which you wish to manifest! Read the blog, I wrote for Tiny Devotions and their beautiful Mala, Goddess of Strength. The blog is title “She Believed….. so she did!” Where I share some tips on the creation process!
With Love and Infinite Blessings,
B x