Eclipsing Life for New Beginnings: The Empowered Dreaminess of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces.
/We are in the middle of the Eclipse Wave… from the Lunar Eclipse of early February to the Solar Eclipse on the New Moon February 26th.
Lunar eclipse energies help us, truly eclipse out those old frayed edges while the Solar Eclipse is about inviting in newness and fresh starts. So, whatever you felt was in need of eclipsing early this month… now, you have more space in which to invite in a new perspective and shift in consciousness.
“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”
Since, last year we have been literally pulling out the old ways and patterns; to make way for the fresh, hit-the-road-running 2017 energies. We are now, into the last ditch effort of the zodiac chart with our entry into the dreamy Piscean energies. Pisces prepares us for the connections to Spirit, as we conclude all of what was to what shall be.
We can begin to start to look inward as the new moon beckons us, to focus on our plans for the future, this is a great time to truly tally up all the bits ’n pieces that you have been working so diligently on, letting go of and now time to give yourself that well earned pat on the back.
Now, wait for it! As, the New Moon dawns this Sunday… we will be in deep preparation for upgrades to new awareness and light codes! I have been receiving this message for sometime now, and so we can all literally jump onto the energy waves to begin our process of upliftment.
This all comes at the perfect time for all of us, so we may each stand within our own true Divine Power and ignite our TRUE HEART! What we have been dealt with in the past, has been slowly stripping itself away - the old patters are falling wayward, while new space is opening within.
The focus here, is not on calling materialism and especially for those that have confusedthe true form of spirituality with spiritual materialism. If you are have been seduced by that way of thinking, then you are literally just making your vibration slower. The Vibrations of our Time is so much Higher than before, that is why it is so important to begin “Lightening the Load!”
Saturn has been such a great teacher during this phase for pulling us away for the heaviness and old stodgy patterns. He is preparing us for our personal Spiritual Growth, that inward travel of knowing who we truly are. And, none of that is located in a box, another mala, another pair of colourful yoga pants and so forth. It is only located deep within the high spiritual heart!
So, open your dreamy heart now and begin to refocus your energies onto the Feelings you wish to create! Create from the center of your Core, make it known to the Universe that you wish to enliven yourSElf from your Core!
We step now upon the plains of a new existence, on the dawning rays of each new day! WE are here to be support one another, as we each watch the old patterns fall away! We are preparing ourSelf for a whole new beginning , so watch as the Sun begins to rise once again higher and higher in the Sky! And, this is the “wait for it” moment, when you see what will happen when Spring comes around, that there will be a new Light within.
The invitation awaits you! Step out of the old. Even if the transition is painful at times to rip-off that stinky old bandaid. Now, is your time to grasp onto the possibilities of reclaiming who you truly are!
Pisces energies invite us into the Spirit World, as we literally allow the old to die away, we are preparing now to commune with the Holy Spirit within. It is our Will to go deeper than ever before, in preparation of our own Soulful Awakening.
Now, is the time to dream and project that dream into the Universe. Allow those old Holographics and projects of the old consciousness to die away, so that as you project your embodied Lightness into the Realm of Spirit and Creation you can see and sense that New Wave of Enlightenment rise once more again as we begin to meet that seasonal cycle of new beginnings coming so very soon. It will be that day, when you see the blossoms colour the skies and the aroma of petals fill the air - it is that day that you rise ready to dance your way into Life!
Let us together, in harmony prepare our Sweet Heart for the Rising Sweetness within, seeing that our Dreams of Intrinsic Goodness can fill the Airwaves of this World. So, each and all may always knows love - Living in a state of Blissful content and true self-realization that aligns with the highest Spirit of all Life!
And so, from my Heart to yours!
May we all Live in Love!