Leo New Moon: Creatively Create your Dreams!
/This moon offers to us an ocean of creativity, an amalgamation of whole-heartedness, to be courageous in all our endeavors.
This new moon in fact, gives us that “much needed” Energy boost which we have been longing for… the past moons have ravaged us with their cleansing of old patterns and emotions. Now Leo offers to us the time to take a deep breath and play in our own long desired lightness for a moment!
“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”
With the Sun high in Leo, let us take this time to truly decide upon new ideals and draw up our next steps, the new moon always offers time to get new ideas flourishing. We can truly take advantage of the Leo New Moon energy which opens the door to many new beginnings through our creative outlets!
Leo is all about the Self - being “center of the Universe” (or Solar System to be exact) with so much Light shining upon you! So, heed this call to truly savour your own pure, divine nature! What has your heart been longing for this whole entire year? A year fraught with many endings, and big changes that have definitely brought about significant shifts in your life! What next and new steps do you want to creatively provide whole-heartedly to the Universe?
One of the wise Ascended Masters shared with me this morning whilst in meditation, that it is so very important especially today, to be mindful of our thoughts. What thoughts are you “conjuring” through your mind? That basically means… Whatever you are thinking about will become so! With that in mind, this is the day, the week in fact to pay special attention to the quality of your thinking. Focus clearly and closely on the positive, as your mind is set to the tune of the Universal thread of co-creation and any thought you think this week “will become so!”
Plus, with Retrograde Mars now churning through Sagittarius today… we are in for a great reflective period of how large we can dream, and where our next steps can truly take us in the expansive view of the World! So, keep your dreams coming - keep writing them down as, there are so many blessings to be had!
Then, by the end of the month it will also be time to pull out the pens and paint brushes as, Mars returns back to his natural swing around the sun. Bringing all those plans that have been stuck away in the closet, will be getting ready for their big release. I can already feel the wheels spinning! Be prepared for the evolution of your dreams as, all we have been dreaming of will be put into fast-forward creation!
The rule of the game: if we wish to co-create consciously with the Universe - we need to be 100% mindful “All of the time!” about what thoughts pre-occupy our mind! Make the most of your thinking mind by creatively creating powerfully empowering thoughts that will bring you to “where you want to be in life!” (and, not the opposite). Meditation offers that gateway for us to mindfully co-create with the Universe.
Infinite Love,