Goddess Moon Inspirer with Father, Teacher Capricorn Sustainer.
/The Grand Father and Teacher of the Sky welcomes the Light of the Goddess Moon into his strong heart, a heart adorned with realism and a powerful foundation to rule the World.
Capricorn holds the space for us to truly know our selves. To truly know what is right and what is wrong.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. ”
With the passing months we have surely known the Right from the Wrong, what we need and what we do not need. There has been an action of literally throwing away of all the old, preparing us for a newly re-enforced foundation for us to roll out upon in the remaining part of the year as, we even prepare to welcome in the impeding year of 2017.
But, back to the energy of this Capricorn Moon strongly aligned with the Indian Festival of honoring the Spiritual Teacher - Guru Purnima. From this point, we can see why we look to our Teachers and Masters for guidance, why we look to the sky for direction. We ask our Teaches and Masters for their Divine Guidance to help us untether our self from our olden ways, so that we may leap forth boundlessly into the lay of this new land unfolding before us.
The Capricorn Moon opposes the Sun in Cancer - Earth vs. Water. Grounded vs. Emotional. Father vs. Mother. If we look to the sky we are fortunate to be in this space, we could almost call home. Where we can surrender our broken wings, to the nurturing love of the Mother, and ask our Sky Father for a realistic approach before we start our ascent back into the World. This is a grand time to step out of the rat race, and take off your shoes to dip your toes in the thick Earthly soils. To sit back for a moment and encourage in the rest you have been longing for, for such a long time! At least take that nap now, before you get started again. There is much more change on it’s way… You will need all your energy so, soak it up now!
Now not to forget, that this is not the only planetary alignments that influence us today - The full moon Capricorn, Sun in Cancer form a T-Square with Uranus in Aries, so truly expect the unexpected. This entire lunar cycle from Cancer new Moon’s which played so elegantly with the underworld energies of Pluto too created space for a little more reflection on the Uranus/Pluto square… Where we have continued to play in the most unexpected currents of all time, allowing anything that is stuck or stagnant is literally to be shaken up completely to bubble up to the surface creating a nice creamy froth of “Oh! What is going on here!”
Last night, in my Yoga class I told the students to hold on tight and smile… the rapids are fast approaching and there is not much else to do but, smile vigorously! Plus, now that Mars is out of Retrograde we are fast approaching the changes we have been seeking out, they are going to start coming at us, so be prepared. Chiron too, has been purposely assisting us to drudge up our old wounds, so that we can now begin to walk away feeling lighter and lighter.
With the Shifting of Gears, and the Releasing of Tears… We are ready for this innovative Uranus energies to truly help us through these breakthroughs, and A-HA! moments. It is time to shift through all our dreams, and build solid foundations onto which to leap with a realistic, and optimistic attitude about all of life. You have been asking for a while, about change. You have been wanting something so different from what you have been experiencing, the old has lost it’s feeling of comfort, and now it just looks and feels old! You are placed perfectly in the space to co-create a new reality. So, instead of biding more time, or trying to avoid the inevitable use this time wisely to get your toys in a row… Decide on your new direction. Set the stones and seeds in place, define your foundations, unblock your blocks, prepare yourself for an entirely new direction. It only takes one step to make a change, it only takes the willingness of your heart to free yourself from your past.
With this gateway swinging wide open, why not take this as a brilliant opportunity to leap forth with the strength of Prometheus in your heart taking you into the realm of your own unexpected brilliance.
And, as I conclude this “epi-blog” I am reminded of this entire Cosmic Play that we live in a realm where the stars afford us the language of life, teaching us to live in harmony with the Greater Universe. The Universe of Life that effortlessly supports and sustains us, uplifting us to new height of our previously thought limitations. And, as we dance with the stars we begin to realize that we are One with the Universe, as the Universe is One with us. And, that the knowledge and wisdom that lays hidden in the stars too, lays hidden with in our own hearts and minds - this is the key for our own evolution and unlocking, this is our own A-HA! moment of realization that what we do here on Earth, affects all and many beyond time and space, beyond this life! As, a human race, as an individual human being may we seek to seek only that which is truth and wisdom, which is peace and compassion, which is love and acceptance - that we are all One, every human, every animal, every stars.
With infinite love,
May all beings live in harmony and peace!
Om Namah Shivaya